Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I get frustrated when I am rewarded for my procrastination. Not that people do this intentionally, but it seems to happen often. I put things off until the very last minute and do a poor job of completing it, knowing that I am going to bomb as a result of it. Then it comes around to the evaluation of whatever project it was and I get rewarded. Either with a good grade or good report or good result. How does a person learn that procrastination is a bad thing like this? While I am pleased that I am getting good grades, I know the work that went into it was below par. C.S. Lewis was saying in one of his books that procrastination is simply laziness, made me feel real good. But I know in my heart that it is true. I really don't want to be lazy; I would really like to do my work to the best of my ability. Guess that is why I must continue to discipline myself in this area.

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