Monday, January 01, 2007

Change the World?

Have you ever felt like you were exactly where you were supposed to be, but that you were not living up to your full potential?

May seem like an odd question, but that seems to be where I am at recently. Not sure that I can put any more meat on that right now. Just feeling like there is so much more.

Was talking to my senior high sunday school class yesterday. We were just chatting and when we closed in prayer I asked that each of us be changed by Christ and that we live as Christ desires for us. It got me to thinking and talking with the students.

What does that changed life look like? I asked myself and the students, What does being a follower of Christ look like? Sadly, I believe that more often then not it simply means to be a "good boy or girl." I mean think about it, most of us believe that following Christ means that we won't smoke, drink, cuss or chew or go with girls (or guys) that do. We try and live this moral life. We essentially try and be boy (or girl) scouts.

My thought is, there has to be so much more. I mean Christ did not live that way. He did not just try and live a moral life. He really shook things up. He effected change. Sure, we can reply to that with "but we are not Christ." But doesn't He call us to be like Him.

I wonder if we really sit down and think about this whole idea of being a follower of Christ and what that looks like if it won't start to look really scary and maybe even dangerous.

I suspect that we get stuck in this idea that we or I am just one person, and one person can't really change anything. Then I run across this picture. Did this guy effect change? Is he all alone? Sure, we don't know the entire story, but I am willing to bet that this one picture gave a ton of people the courage to simply stand up.

Just the other day I watched Schindler's List. What a powerful movie. I had never seen it before. Schindler save the lives of 1,100 Jews. I found out later that there are alive today 6,000 Jews who are descendants of the Schindler Jews. 6,000!! That is 7,100 people who would not be alive or have survived had it not been for one man!

Who says that one person can't change things. Look, my thought is this. I really believe that Christ is calling us to more than being a good boy or girl. I believe that He is calling us to change our world.

So, let's do just that.

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